I came up with the idea of an Easter wreath ages ago, I had planned on doing a Valentines one but never got around to it...that's next years project LOL! I did some research online and in shops etc and of any wreaths i saw there was elements of each one I liked so I put all these together to make my own. It actually turned out to be loads of work but I did it over a week or so grabbing a minute when I could. It was well worth all the effort though as I absolutely love it.
I started off with a plain white polystyrene ring I bought for the bargain price of one fifty! I painted it yellow and left it to dry.

OK then it was time to seriously raid my ribbon collection!! I then began cutting and tying on different pieces all around the ring.

Phew...hard work but getting there....I love the combination of pink, yellow, lime green and purple so I tried to stick
within that colour scheme. I was lucky I didn't run out of ribbon as I never imagined I would need so many pieces.

So here we are , sixty pieces of ribbon later... finished and hanging on the front door. I added in the little chick decoration I picked up last week when I was out shopping, I think he finished it off perfectly. I'm thrilled with it. I defo reckon the neighbours will be jealous! : )