Hi this blog is all about whats going on in my world...
Yep.....defo nothing left there then!!
Do you know what was soooo nice??? .... as we left out hotel on Valentines Day the doorman was giving out special treats......all day people were wishing us a "Happy Valentines Day" ...I'm just loving Americans. I was given a heart lolly and a chewy sweet, Gareth got some Hershey's kisses.
Now the best, and I mean the best thing was the treats on sale for Dogs!!!We went into this really cool pet shop looking for a pressie to bring back home to Betty and just look at the display........
Isnt it hard to believe these are for dogs!!!!
I'm thinking my next project should be baking for animals...I totally reckon I could do it! Betty would be delighted LOL. So ...if I can give one recommendation on my blog for today its defo try spend a Valentines day in the States...its such fun :)
Oh too cute! More cupcakes at Bonbom Americano .....
Another Cupcake shop I just gotta hit....Swirlz.
Well here is the full collection of my hearts all lined up...I nearly wanted to leave them there on the mantelpiece, they really brightened up the living room!
Another shot of all the little hearts together..