Today I decided to make some mini apple and cinnamon crumbles........Arnie was coming for dinner...well actually he was bringing dinner (were lovin M&S food!!!!) so I thought the least I could do was bake something :). I have this easy peasy recipe and it takes no time at all to make. I'm on a Cinnamon thing at the minute ...don't know what that's about, maybe its from being in the states, they are cinnamon crazy over there!!!!!!

So here is the apple and cinnamon mix with the freshly made they just need to be topped....

Well here they are with a crispy crumble top, dusted with icing sugar and decorated with little blackberries (which I actually went picking in September and have frozen in the handy for smoothies or baking or whatever). I served them with Ice cream and a hot cup of tea....the boys devoured them which is always a good sign!

Yep.....defo nothing left there then!!
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