OK so after I got back from town and dished out all my goodies it looked like this!! I went to Hickeys and another craft shop in town to pick up bits and pieces mind you the selection wasn't that great at all. Luckily I already had some ribbon and embellishments that were perfect for my colour scheme, pink, red, purple and white. The ready made little pink felt hearts in the photo were exactly what I wanted to create. These ones I bought to add to gift wrapping in B&Q after Christmas for 25c each in the sale!! Bargain! Originally I planned to fancy these up and add them to the ones I was making but in the end I way prefered my own ones and so didn't use them :)

I started by getting a heart template off the net. I pinned it to the felt and cut it out, began adding embellishments...sewing...adding ribbon and having loads of fun! I had nothing planned out for each heart but they just all came together in the end. The first heart took longer than the other ones but I think I just had to get into the swing of it! I stuffed every one with bubble wrap before I sewed them up. For some of them I picked a contrasting colour to do the stitching with because it looked so cute against the felt.

This is one of my favourite little hearts mind you I actually love them all! You cant really see the felt but its white with glitter running right through it. I then hand sewed on all the little sequences and added this adorable pink ribbon with yellow dots that I bought in The Blue Door in Naas.

This purple heart also is made of the same glittery felt fabric.I hand sewed on the little paper die cut buttons. The ribbon is from a selection at Linenberry.

This heart was super easy to do...some felt...cute ribbon from inspiring ideas and voila!

I decided to add some gorgeous ribbon to the twigs too. I think it looks so nice with the hearts. This heart was decorated with a small knitted flower that I took off a collar I had bought Betty. She didn't like at all, I think the flowers irritated her! Bad mummy!
Well here is the full collection of my hearts all lined up...I nearly wanted to leave them there on the mantelpiece, they really brightened up the living room!
Another shot of all the little hearts together..

Now for the finished piece....I love love love it! I reckon Valentines day has come early to our house cause I'm feeling more loved up already.....perhaps its something to do with The Valentines Tree :) x
What are the twigs in? A vase?